Thursday, May 14, 2009

Warm-mongers & Other Hot Air Prophets

[This article was originally published in the Spring 2007 Canaan Club of Ontario newsletter. The newsletter can be found at: ]

False prophets, doomsayers, snakeoil salesmen and Chicken Littles. They have been around for as long as man has learned to be paranoid. Their messages are frantic, with no provable information, spreading their “truths” that all is forsaken and mankind is doomed. And th[This article was originally published in the Spring 2007 Canaan Club of Ontario newsletter. The newsletter can be found at: ]

False prophets, doomsayers, snakeoil salesmen and Chicken Littles. They have been around for as long as man has learned to be paranoid. Their messages are frantic, with no provable information, spreading their “truths” that all is forsaken and mankind is doomed. And they all have an agenda. An agenda that benefits very few even though they are preaching the salvation of many. Because the masses that they preach to are either looking for a savior, or that they are too lazy to go and learn the truths themselves, these charlatans are able to spread fear and anarchy with absolutely no accountability. We are all to follow blindly based simply on trust.

Canadians have listened to one such paranoid little gnome for several decades now. His longevity can be directly linked to his association with the socialists that run our State-sponsored television network, the CBC. Most people refer to it as the Corpse because the broadcasts on it have been dead for years. But back to the little high school teacher that made a name for himself preaching about how we are all destroying the planet, despite all the evidence to the contrary. The nice little Foundation that has developed around him…. that had many large Corporations as significant contributors…. is one of the perks that has others looking for a slice of the lucrative Green pie.

Global Warming is the latest Dire Strait for mankind. And to really make it really fun it has gone Hollywood. Albert Arnold Gore took his little Sony video camera and went out there to bring us the Truth. His Truth. Some would call this science fiction. Some would call Albert Arnold Gore science fiction. Somewhere he fit saving the planet into his busy schedule of inventing the Internet and cleaning up the Love Canal. At first I just assumed this was his new stunt to join the nomination process for the Democrats. He is not ethnic enough to compete with Obama, don’t call me Osama, and not manly enough to compete with Hillary, so on a warm jet stream of world saving he was going to coast into 1600 Pennsylvania. But then a bio on a small investment firm called Generation Investment showed up. Generation Investment provides businesses with assessments of “risks and opportunities presented by climate change”. And the founding director is none other than AAG. Hmmm…. in order to be able to advise one must first have these opportunities. And if they don’t exist then a little “the world is ending” campaign should help create them. And while lecturing the rest of us to leave as small of a “CO2 footprint” as possible, Al is leaving a large assprint on one of the director chairs at Lehman Brothers. I only mention this because Lehman Brothers is trying to be the lead brokerage for the trading of Greenhouse Gas Emission credits. The valuation of this new security is in the trillions. So I would say that the term “conflict of interest” should be explained to Good Ole’ Al and the rest of the warm-mongerers.

So with his gold-plated bobblehead Oscar riding on the dashboard of his stretch limo, Al the Environmentalist is off promoting his view of how the world should be. This, of course, is how he perceives that you and I live, not the Alster and his ilk. Homes that use more electricity in a week than we use in a year, or jetting into Toronto to be feted by the silver spooned Socialists in his private jet and SUV motorcade are the world for this new hierarchy of the Loopey Left. Of course privilege and extra powers has always been the trademark of the Demo-lition-crats and their “Brothers”. Their favourite ideologue Lenin perverted Marxism in order to add a vanguard that would better guide socialism. This was just an excuse to keep him and his buddies in power. Al may even be off to Sweden to have those meatballs at the Institute “nobelize” him. Hell, if they will give it to a terrorist like Arafat then what is to them to bestow the medal on someone like Al who is, after all, only looking out for the shareholders of Lehman Brothers. Ooops, I mean, the general public….the great unwashed….the ones that will have to foot the bill for saving the planet from this toxic and deadly gas, CO2. Of course the fact Greenhouse gases only occupy a small portion of our atmosphere, about 3% by volume, and that the vast majority (about 97%) is water vapour and clouds, just adds facts to the equation and “clouds” the hyperbole.

Imagine, water vapour and clouds on a planet that is 70% water……I wonder where it all comes from. Must be an anthropogenic reaction. Quick, put water on the list of toxic substances! CO2 actually only constitutes about 0.037% of the atmosphere. Now if we are this fragile, and I am using the collective “we” here – plants, animals, and those hypersensitive bipedal carbon-based life forms – then maybe we should let natural evolution take its course. After all, it took a freaking meteor the size of Manhattan to bring the dinosaurs to their knees. We apparently are having a tough time with less than a 1 degree Celsius temperature increase. Wow, aren’t we the little hothouse flowers. But then again maybe there is more to this than just protecting us from a few gas molecules.

The IPCC panel just released their Executive Synopsis for 2007 to show us where we stand. True to form, the version that was released already has raised the seas, dropped the glaciers and developed a new occupation for polar bears as the After models for Jenny Craig. Plus we are all slow roasting while all those cataclysmic hurricanes lay waste to our homes. Oh woe be mankind….these are truly the darkest days!! With all of those superegos telling us that we must repent or else, how can we even think of starting our cars or turning on our furnaces.

So with all this credibility, why aren’t we at the Edge gulping down the Kool-Aid of GW with all the rest of the Jonestowners? The Evidence is all around, the effects are evident…just look at New York City….they have never had temps this high….at least not this high when scientists started looking at it. And then there is Boulder, CO….no wait, their average temp decreased. OK, how about Ann Arbor, MI. Nope, cooler temps are prevailing there. Hmmmm, some places have shown an increase, many others a decrease. And the national average for the U.S. shows an up-and-down trend, with the 1930s leading the way as the warmest decade. Must be an anomaly. Just ask the Europeans….those Americans are always screwing things up. Remember, the only time that the French like the Americans is when the Germans are drinking coffee on the Champs-Élysées. Ok, GW is after all a Global phenomenon, so how about Paris, France, and Stuttgart, Germany, and Alice Springs, Australia. Nope, all decreased. Well, those ones should be ignored. For Pete’s sake, Puntas Arenas, the closest city to Antarctica has shown a drop of 0.75 Celsius since 1888. OK, look at Tokyo, Japan!!! There!!! Higher average temps!!! Clear evidence that those pesky greenhouse gases have us stewing in our own juices!!

What this comes down to is man’s unquenchable desire to control everything about his environment. Or even worse, to think that all events are attributable to him. Well, as wonderful as we may think we are, not all events are anthropogenic. The earth, the universe, continues to spin with little regard for the gnat bites that we inflict upon it. This GW event is just the latest crisis that we are being fed. We had just stopped bemoaning the next coming Ice Age when the deep-thinkers began beating the drums about GW. We have suffered through Killer Bees, Noise Pollution, and Y2K. And yet we persevere. Of course those that lived through the Black Plague would probably call us a bunch of wimps, seeing as that was just one of the times in history when the End was Nigh. In a bit of subtle irony a polar expedition to prove GW had to be scrapped because one of the members became frostbitten. Who says Mother Nature doesn’t have a sense of humour. But we egocentrics have to bring it all back to ourselves. Has no one considered that an external event, like the fact the Sun is getting hotter, might account for any temperature shift?

Even our furry canine companions are not exempt from plagues of locusts and rivers of blood. Someone makes a comment about a specific event and it gets repeated, and before you know it the one incident has become the norm. People take as gospel the reports of others and it changes the way that they perceive situations. Take for example a recent email we received from someone in Vancouver that thinks that she has “rescued” a Canaan Dog from the shelter. Even a cursory look shows the dog to be a Border Collie mix, but this woman based her assessment on reading that Canaan Dogs were dog aggressive, and this dog is dog aggressive, so it must be a Canaan Dog. I should send her pics of Macc playing with little white dogs, but I guess she would dismiss this as an exception. After all, don’t you know, the Canaan Dog is dog aggressive.

Many of the recognized breeds have developed health issues over time. Some like the Doberman have dilated cardiomyopathy. Dachshunds and Bassets have cervical issues. Labs and Retrievers are prone to hip dysplasia. Bulldogs are a complete mess…AI to get pregnant and caesarian to whelp the young. That is why when we were searching for a new breed, health was a major main concern. I have yet to open a breed book and find more than epilepsy listed as a possible affliction of the Canaan Dog. Most say that there are no long or short-term health concerns. And I say this is rightly so. This is the model of evolution…. an animal that has survived for thousands of years in one of the harshest environments on the planet. Well, there were some good years in the Levant also. Recent studies have shown six major climate changes since the beginning of the Holocene Period. They had some lush tropical conditions for a while, then some very dry barren ones. Yet through this whole time they were able to adapt and survive. And to look at them this should come as no surprise. They are built so well…strong limbs, well balanced body, and well developed senses. This was the noble beast that Dr. Menzel found in the 1930s and helped mold into such a versatile creature.

I was looking up facts listed on the OFA site. Did you know that the Canaan Dog is seventh best when it comes to being diagnosed with hip dysplasia? With all other measurements, like patella luxation, elbow dysplasia, thyroid, and cardiac the numbers are statistically insignificant. There have been five deaf Canaans reported….at least one of them was born without eardrums. Others became deaf through disease. I would not consider this a significant health concern.

This is not to say that we should take their health for granted. All dogs deserve the best care and protection that we can give them. I am all for being proactive when it comes to the health of my Canaans. They receive a well-balanced raw diet, lots of exercise, and much personal time where we play and train. Challenging them this way keeps them alert and ready to perform in whatever activity they are participating. And this socialization has developed two Canaans that love to play with other dogs.

My point is that we need to understand the issues, be they health, training, or performance, and we can only do this by making the choices ourselves. The same goes for this current Environmental Catastrophe. If they had come out and said that they were going to combat NOX and SOX, then I would have been behind them 100% because these are the pollutants that cause smog, acid rain, etc. But this card had been played before and they needed a new scapegoat. So CO2 becomes a toxic, Earth-threatening substance, rather than one of the building blocks of nature. I’m all for alternative forms of power, but if you are supporting it please do it for the right reasons. Go solar, Go wind, Go microhydro, so that you can be off of the grid. Do it so that you have the peace of mind of managing your own resources. Don’t do it because some clown in telling you to reduce your CO2 footprint. The only way to get any truth out there is to examine the facts and make the decisions ourselves. Create your own agenda. Then the warm-mongers are only blowing hot air at each other. ey all have an agenda. An agenda that benefits very few even though they are preaching the salvation of many. Because the masses that they preach to are either looking for a savior, or that they are too lazy to go and learn the truths themselves, these charlatans are able to spread fear and anarchy with absolutely no accountability. We are all to follow blindly based simply on trust.

Canadians have listened to one such paranoid little gnome for several decades now. His longevity can be directly linked to his association with the socialists that run our State-sponsored television network, the CBC. Most people refer to it as the Corpse because the broadcasts on it have been dead for years. But back to the little high school teacher that made a name for himself preaching about how we are all destroying the planet, despite all the evidence to the contrary. The nice little Foundation that has developed around him…. that had many large Corporations as significant contributors…. is one of the perks that has others looking for a slice of the lucrative Green pie.

Global Warming is the latest Dire Strait for mankind. And to really make it really fun it has gone Hollywood. Albert Arnold Gore took his little Sony video camera and went out there to bring us the Truth. His Truth. Some would call this science fiction. Some would call Albert Arnold Gore science fiction. Somewhere he fit saving the planet into his busy schedule of inventing the Internet and cleaning up the Love Canal. At first I just assumed this was his new stunt to join the nomination process for the Democrats. He is not ethnic enough to compete with Obama, don’t call me Osama, and not manly enough to compete with Hillary, so on a warm jet stream of world saving he was going to coast into 1600 Pennsylvania. But then a bio on a small investment firm called Generation Investment showed up. Generation Investment provides businesses with assessments of “risks and opportunities presented by climate change”. And the founding director is none other than AAG. Hmmm…. in order to be able to advise one must first have these opportunities. And if they don’t exist then a little “the world is ending” campaign should help create them. And while lecturing the rest of us to leave as small of a “CO2 footprint” as possible, Al is leaving a large assprint on one of the director chairs at Lehman Brothers. I only mention this because Lehman Brothers is trying to be the lead brokerage for the trading of Greenhouse Gas Emission credits. The valuation of this new security is in the trillions. So I would say that the term “conflict of interest” should be explained to Good Ole’ Al and the rest of the warm-mongerers.

So with his gold-plated bobblehead Oscar riding on the dashboard of his stretch limo, Al the Environmentalist is off promoting his view of how the world should be. This, of course, is how he perceives that you and I live, not the Alster and his ilk. Homes that use more electricity in a week than we use in a year, or jetting into Toronto to be feted by the silver spooned Socialists in his private jet and SUV motorcade are the world for this new hierarchy of the Loopey Left. Of course privilege and extra powers has always been the trademark of the Demo-lition-crats and their “Brothers”. Their favourite ideologue Lenin perverted Marxism in order to add a vanguard that would better guide socialism. This was just an excuse to keep him and his buddies in power. Al may even be off to Sweden to have those meatballs at the Institute “nobelize” him. Hell, if they will give it to a terrorist like Arafat then what is to them to bestow the medal on someone like Al who is, after all, only looking out for the shareholders of Lehman Brothers. Ooops, I mean, the general public….the great unwashed….the ones that will have to foot the bill for saving the planet from this toxic and deadly gas, CO2. Of course the fact Greenhouse gases only occupy a small portion of our atmosphere, about 3% by volume, and that the vast majority (about 97%) is water vapour and clouds, just adds facts to the equation and “clouds” the hyperbole.

Imagine, water vapour and clouds on a planet that is 70% water……I wonder where it all comes from. Must be an anthropogenic reaction. Quick, put water on the list of toxic substances! CO2 actually only constitutes about 0.037% of the atmosphere. Now if we are this fragile, and I am using the collective “we” here – plants, animals, and those hypersensitive bipedal carbon-based life forms – then maybe we should let natural evolution take its course. After all, it took a freaking meteor the size of Manhattan to bring the dinosaurs to their knees. We apparently are having a tough time with less than a 1 degree Celsius temperature increase. Wow, aren’t we the little hothouse flowers. But then again maybe there is more to this than just protecting us from a few gas molecules.

The IPCC panel just released their Executive Synopsis for 2007 to show us where we stand. True to form, the version that was released already has raised the seas, dropped the glaciers and developed a new occupation for polar bears as the After models for Jenny Craig. Plus we are all slow roasting while all those cataclysmic hurricanes lay waste to our homes. Oh woe be mankind….these are truly the darkest days!! With all of those superegos telling us that we must repent or else, how can we even think of starting our cars or turning on our furnaces.

So with all this credibility, why aren’t we at the Edge gulping down the Kool-Aid of GW with all the rest of the Jonestowners? The Evidence is all around, the effects are evident…just look at New York City….they have never had temps this high….at least not this high when scientists started looking at it. And then there is Boulder, CO….no wait, their average temp decreased. OK, how about Ann Arbor, MI. Nope, cooler temps are prevailing there. Hmmmm, some places have shown an increase, many others a decrease. And the national average for the U.S. shows an up-and-down trend, with the 1930s leading the way as the warmest decade. Must be an anomaly. Just ask the Europeans….those Americans are always screwing things up. Remember, the only time that the French like the Americans is when the Germans are drinking coffee on the Champs-Élysées. Ok, GW is after all a Global phenomenon, so how about Paris, France, and Stuttgart, Germany, and Alice Springs, Australia. Nope, all decreased. Well, those ones should be ignored. For Pete’s sake, Puntas Arenas, the closest city to Antarctica has shown a drop of 0.75 Celsius since 1888. OK, look at Tokyo, Japan!!! There!!! Higher average temps!!! Clear evidence that those pesky greenhouse gases have us stewing in our own juices!!

What this comes down to is man’s unquenchable desire to control everything about his environment. Or even worse, to think that all events are attributable to him. Well, as wonderful as we may think we are, not all events are anthropogenic. The earth, the universe, continues to spin with little regard for the gnat bites that we inflict upon it. This GW event is just the latest crisis that we are being fed. We had just stopped bemoaning the next coming Ice Age when the deep-thinkers began beating the drums about GW. We have suffered through Killer Bees, Noise Pollution, and Y2K. And yet we persevere. Of course those that lived through the Black Plague would probably call us a bunch of wimps, seeing as that was just one of the times in history when the End was Nigh. In a bit of subtle irony a polar expedition to prove GW had to be scrapped because one of the members became frostbitten. Who says Mother Nature doesn’t have a sense of humour. But we egocentrics have to bring it all back to ourselves. Has no one considered that an external event, like the fact the Sun is getting hotter, might account for any temperature shift?

Even our furry canine companions are not exempt from plagues of locusts and rivers of blood. Someone makes a comment about a specific event and it gets repeated, and before you know it the one incident has become the norm. People take as gospel the reports of others and it changes the way that they perceive situations. Take for example a recent email we received from someone in Vancouver that thinks that she has “rescued” a Canaan Dog from the shelter. Even a cursory look shows the dog to be a Border Collie mix, but this woman based her assessment on reading that Canaan Dogs were dog aggressive, and this dog is dog aggressive, so it must be a Canaan Dog. I should send her pics of Macc playing with little white dogs, but I guess she would dismiss this as an exception. After all, don’t you know, the Canaan Dog is dog aggressive.

Many of the recognized breeds have developed health issues over time. Some like the Doberman have dilated cardiomyopathy. Dachshunds and Bassets have cervical issues. Labs and Retrievers are prone to hip dysplasia. Bulldogs are a complete mess…AI to get pregnant and caesarian to whelp the young. That is why when we were searching for a new breed, health was a major main concern. I have yet to open a breed book and find more than epilepsy listed as a possible affliction of the Canaan Dog. Most say that there are no long or short-term health concerns. And I say this is rightly so. This is the model of evolution…. an animal that has survived for thousands of years in one of the harshest environments on the planet. Well, there were some good years in the Levant also. Recent studies have shown six major climate changes since the beginning of the Holocene Period. They had some lush tropical conditions for a while, then some very dry barren ones. Yet through this whole time they were able to adapt and survive. And to look at them this should come as no surprise. They are built so well…strong limbs, well balanced body, and well developed senses. This was the noble beast that Dr. Menzel found in the 1930s and helped mold into such a versatile creature.

I was looking up facts listed on the OFA site. Did you know that the Canaan Dog is seventh best when it comes to being diagnosed with hip dysplasia? With all other measurements, like patella luxation, elbow dysplasia, thyroid, and cardiac the numbers are statistically insignificant. There have been five deaf Canaans reported….at least one of them was born without eardrums. Others became deaf through disease. I would not consider this a significant health concern.

This is not to say that we should take their health for granted. All dogs deserve the best care and protection that we can give them. I am all for being proactive when it comes to the health of my Canaans. They receive a well-balanced raw diet, lots of exercise, and much personal time where we play and train. Challenging them this way keeps them alert and ready to perform in whatever activity they are participating. And this socialization has developed two Canaans that love to play with other dogs.

My point is that we need to understand the issues, be they health, training, or performance, and we can only do this by making the choices ourselves. The same goes for this current Environmental Catastrophe. If they had come out and said that they were going to combat NOX and SOX, then I would have been behind them 100% because these are the pollutants that cause smog, acid rain, etc. But this card had been played before and they needed a new scapegoat. So CO2 becomes a toxic, Earth-threatening substance, rather than one of the building blocks of nature. I’m all for alternative forms of power, but if you are supporting it please do it for the right reasons. Go solar, Go wind, Go microhydro, so that you can be off of the grid. Do it so that you have the peace of mind of managing your own resources. Don’t do it because some clown in telling you to reduce your CO2 footprint. The only way to get any truth out there is to examine the facts and make the decisions ourselves. Create your own agenda. Then the warm-mongers are only blowing hot air at each other.

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